15 weeks 6 days-

Dear Sweet Baby Carr,

All I can say is thank you for already preparing me for the lack of sleep I am going to get the first months you are here!:) From wiggling to pushing on my bladder for me to wake up and pee 3 times a night. I say this in all honesty... I have been nervous for the lack of sleep to come because I know my body just does not react well to this and I always seem to crash in an unwake-able sleep! But, God is good in having you train me early to live a different life style and learn how to live life with minimal sleep. By the time you get here I will be a pro! I already love you with all my heart. I look forward to the long nights and time you and I and Daddy get to spend together! My goal will be to do the best I can and love you unconditionally! You are already our world!
Remember God is good and our Savior, he has brought you into Dad and I's life for reason. I know there will be hard times in your life when you feel like you have no one and no where to turn to not even your parents- I urge you to remember this is not true, for their is one Father that you can always lay it all out for and he will provide you with comfort and guidance! He has for me many times and even though I screw up time and time again he I's always there! I pray this for you, that you will honor your father and mother. Most importantly, you will honor and love your Father in heaven. I love you so very much! Baby Carr we will meet you soon:) We can't wait!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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